
Mac vs Google: Old news

piece of old news: Steve Jobs: "My sex life is pretty good these days. How's yours?"

copy from http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/100602/4/idqs.html

我的性生活很好,你呢? 喬布斯「金句」擋主持難題

(明報)2010年6月3日 星期四 05:10

【明報專訊】談與Google競爭 被問「是否遭盟友出賣」

新一代iPhone登場在即,蘋果總裁喬布斯(Steve Jobs)本周出席由《華爾街日報 》主辦的「D: All Things Digital」科技研討會,在台上接受主持提問,大談他對iPad革命、遺失iPhone乃至死敵Google等的看法。面對主持就「是否認為Google反骨」的咄咄逼人提問,喬布斯竟突爆金句,反問主持﹕「我這陣子的性生活很好,你呢?」

在長90分鐘的台上對談中,喬布斯談到了老對手微軟 ,也談到近年一大對手Google。蘋果曾與Google聯手對抗微軟,Google的總裁施密特(Eric Schmidt)更是蘋果的前董事會成員。但近年Google發展多項產品,卻甚有衝著蘋果而來的味道,推出智能手機及軟件平台狙擊iPhone就是最明顯的例子,此外Google還在手機廣告市場等範疇,向蘋果步步進逼。主持問﹕「你們跟Google的關係明顯已轉變了吧?」喬布斯語帶不滿地答﹕「他們(Google)似乎已決定跟我們競爭,並愈來愈強烈。我們沒有開發搜尋器業務,但Google卻連番選擇在我們的業務範疇上競爭。」

主持追問,喬布斯有否覺得被昔日盟友出賣。喬布斯顯然不喜歡這樣的提問,他半開玩笑半帶認真地答:「我的性生活很好,你呢?(My sex life is pretty good these days. How's yours?)」面對喬布斯暗示不想回答下,主持只好轉過話題,問蘋果會否將Google服務從iPhone及iPad踢走。喬布斯說不會。他表示,蘋果仍會在部分範疇和Google合作,例如繼續在iPhone上提供Google地圖,「兩個人競爭仍可保持君子之禮」。

喬布斯稱,蘋果的營商哲學就是「小心選擇騎哪一匹馬」,這解釋了為什麼蘋果比其他公司走前一步,放棄一些快將過時的科技,如3.5吋軟磁碟。最近蘋果表明不會在iPhone上支援Flash軟件影片播放,改為採用新開發的 html 5格式,引起極大爭議,對此喬布斯說:「我們決意為用戶選擇好用的軟件和產品,至少我們有勇氣這樣做。顧客花錢買iPhone,就是期待我們為他們作出選擇,和製造出最好的產品。」

指Flash過時 html 5是明日之星
他指Flash已是「古董」軟件,應讓路給html 5。「使用Flash不會製造出好的產品,若我們成功,顧客便會購買我們的產品。迄今,人們很喜歡iPad,我們每3秒便賣出一部。」他又用馬來形容蘋果和Flash之爭:「有時你要選擇哪一匹馬才適合用來向前跑。Flash曾盛極一時,但已經變成明日黃花,而html 5則是明日之星。」




New Mac Mini

New Mac Mini with great design but OLD SPEC......
where is my i5??why still C2D?

Copy from
Apple store

Processor and memory
2.4GHz or 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor
3MB on-chip shared L2 cache
1066MHz frontside bus
2GB (two 1GB SO-DIMMs) of 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM; two SO-DIMM slots support up to 8GB

Peripheral connections
One FireWire 800 port (up to 800 Mbps)
Four USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps)
SD card slot

Graphics and video support
NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics processor with 256MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory3
Mini DisplayPort with support for up to 2560 by 1600 resolution
HDMI port with support for up to 1920 by 1200 resolution
DVI output using HDMI to DVI Adapter (included)
VGA output using Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter (sold separately)
Supports extended desktop and video mirroring across both ports

AirPort Extreme Wi-Fi wireless
networking (based on 802.11n specification);4 IEEE 802.11a/b/g compatible
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate)
10/100/1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45 connector) with support for jumbo frames

Audio line in minijack (digital/analog)
Audio line out/headphone minijack (digital/analog)
HDMI port supports multichannel audio output
Support for Apple iPhone headset with microphone


iPhone 4G FaceTime (Video Call!?)

一如先前所料,昨天發佈會完全是為了iPhone 4G所設的。
但有一點要留意的是FaceTime的功能,這會不會是我們期待已久的3G Video Call呢?


Copy from Apple

People have been dreaming about video calling for decades. iPhone 4 makes it a reality. With the tap of a button, you can wave hello to your kids, share a smile from across the globe, or watch your best friend laugh at your stories — iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 over Wi-Fi. No other phone makes staying in touch this much fun.

1: 只適用於iPhone打出到另一部iPhone
2: 只能用Wi-Fi

那即是說......那FaceTime大慨是iChat的流動版吧.......而不是傳說中的3G Video Call


You Won't Be Disappointed

iPhone 4G已成WWDC最公開的秘密......希望今晚快點到來.......


Copy from Steve Jobs on WWDC Announcements: 'You Won't Be Disappointed' - Mac Rumors

After the big news from Google last week, MacRumors reader Bryan Webster emailed Steve Jobs: "I hope you have some good WWDC announcements to blow [Google] out of the water".

To this, Steve Jobs reportedly replied "You won't be disappointed". While it's always hard to authenticate emails sent to and from 3rd parties, Bryan did post headers as an offering of proof.

Apple is expected to be making new product announcements at the Worldwide Developer's Conference from June 7th-11th. In particular, everyone expects that the next generation iPhone will be introduced at that event. Other rumors have suggested that we may see the iPhone with Verizon this year, though it may not come as early as June.