
iPhone 4 接收問題


1. Apple終於確認iPhone4天線設計存在問題
2. Appl會為9月30日前買 iPhone4 refund 或 送上保護套

more info on : http://www.apple.com/antenna/

copy from http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/07/02appleletter.html

Letter from Apple Regarding iPhone 4

Dear iPhone 4 Users,

The iPhone 4 has been the most successful product launch in Apple’s history. It has been judged by reviewers around the world to be the best smartphone ever, and users have told us that they love it. So we were surprised when we read reports of reception problems, and we immediately began investigating them. Here is what we have learned.

To start with, gripping almost any mobile phone in certain ways will reduce its reception by 1 or more bars. This is true of iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, as well as many Droid, Nokia and RIM phones. But some users have reported that iPhone 4 can drop 4 or 5 bars when tightly held in a way which covers the black strip in the lower left corner of the metal band. This is a far bigger drop than normal, and as a result some have accused the iPhone 4 of having a faulty antenna design.

At the same time, we continue to read articles and receive hundreds of emails from users saying that iPhone 4 reception is better than the iPhone 3GS. They are delighted. This matches our own experience and testing. What can explain all of this?

We have discovered the cause of this dramatic drop in bars, and it is both simple and surprising.

Upon investigation, we were stunned to find that the formula we use to calculate how many bars of signal strength to display is totally wrong. Our formula, in many instances, mistakenly displays 2 more bars than it should for a given signal strength. For example, we sometimes display 4 bars when we should be displaying as few as 2 bars. Users observing a drop of several bars when they grip their iPhone in a certain way are most likely in an area with very weak signal strength, but they don’t know it because we are erroneously displaying 4 or 5 bars. Their big drop in bars is because their high bars were never real in the first place.

To fix this, we are adopting AT&T’s recently recommended formula for calculating how many bars to display for a given signal strength. The real signal strength remains the same, but the iPhone’s bars will report it far more accurately, providing users a much better indication of the reception they will get in a given area. We are also making bars 1, 2 and 3 a bit taller so they will be easier to see.

We will issue a free software update within a few weeks that incorporates the corrected formula. Since this mistake has been present since the original iPhone, this software update will also be available for the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G.

We have gone back to our labs and retested everything, and the results are the same— the iPhone 4’s wireless performance is the best we have ever shipped. For the vast majority of users who have not been troubled by this issue, this software update will only make your bars more accurate. For those who have had concerns, we apologize for any anxiety we may have caused.

As a reminder, if you are not fully satisfied, you can return your undamaged iPhone to any Apple Retail Store or the online Apple Store within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

We hope you love the iPhone 4 as much as we do.

Thank you for your patience and support.



New about Apple Store in HK and China

Copy from http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/100710/4/j3il.html

蘋果落戶上海 逾千粉絲朝聖 搶攻中國巿場 兩年內25旗艦店遍佈中港

【明報專訊】你是一個「果粉」(蘋果產品粉絲)嗎?如果是,蘋果公司上海 新店開幕的盛事一定不會錯過,這間面積達萬五呎的旗艦店擁有全球最大的售後服務區,昨日開幕時吸引逾千人排隊等候,最早的粉絲提前3天就已到場。蘋果計劃未來2年在中國開25間直營店,包括香港。



新店位於浦東陸家嘴國際金融廣場,是中國第二間蘋果直營店,第一間於2008年在北京 三里屯開設。上海店面積15000呎,圓柱形「玻璃屋」高12米,可媲美紐約 旗艦店,並有全球最大的售後服務中心以及商業客戶服務中心,預計將是全球客流最大的店舖。

蘋果全球高級副總裁莊遜(Ron Johnson)表示,未來將會盡「最大努力盡快引入iPhone4和iPad」,他透露,到2012年前,蘋果將會在中國區範圍內開設25家直營店,包括香港。

新店於上午10時開門,每5分鐘放入20人,僅10分鐘就成交第1單買賣,售出2個不鏽鋼特別版iPod shuffle。即使沒有iPhone 4和iPad出售,也沒有「新張優惠」,且天氣酷熱,店外仍有過千人排隊,平均排隊時間超過2小時,好在現場有Wifi信號,不少人即場用iPad、iPhone上網打發時間,他們早已擁有蘋果產品,只是來為心中「至愛」捧場。

個人化服務 儼如俱樂部


彭博新聞社引述分析師指出,截至去年底,蘋果在內地的合作伙伴中國聯通 售出約100萬部iPhone,但通過「灰色渠道」流入的有超過200萬部,預計隨著更多新店開張,「果粉」還會不斷增加。



完全以 iPhone 4 拍攝與剪輯的短片: Apple of My Eye

iPhone 4 鏡頭得5MP,好多人會認為唔多夠用.....

Copy from http://www.frostyplace.com/index.php?story_id=9159

完全以 iPhone 4 拍攝與剪輯的短片: Apple of My Eye
2010/06/29 4:46 pm 明道

自美國南加大攝影藝術學院碩士班畢業的 Michael Koerbel 以兩天的時間,在 iPhone 4 上完成名為「Apple of My Eye」短片的拍攝與剪輯工作,全部工作都是在 iPhone 4 與 iMovie app 上完成。整個效果看起來很不賴,或許會讓更多人見賢思齊,紛紛以 iPhone 4 來嘗試拍攝全然屬於自己的短片。

「Apple of My Eye」影片全長只有 1 分 23 秒,但整段視訊卻達 5 分鐘的長度,那是因為 Koerbel 將整個「Apple of My Eye」的拍攝、剪輯過程也附上來,有興趣的朋友,不妨在看完影片後,繼續觀賞後半部的部份。

「Apple of My Eye」影片內容如下所示:

"Apple of My Eye" - an iPhone 4 film - UPDATE: Behind the scenes footage included from Michael Koerbel on Vimeo.